CFM's Newest Business Development Manager Ben Morrow

The last month we have welcomed Benny Morrow to CFM HQ as he was recently promoted to Business Development Manager. 

Ben has won Top Producer on the road, along with the much-coveted Anthony Charlton Consultants Choice Award.  He also holds 2 of the top 5 best single days of the past 33 years at CFM!  Having helped endless clubs across Australia and New Zealand over the past few years it’s fitting the great man steps up to this new BDM role.

Be sure to say g’day to Benny when you see him travelling around Australia and New Zealand helping Clubs and be sure to mention the Fremantle Dockers current ladder position.

Here is a quick insight into the great man's brain.

What was your favourite on-road CFM campaign?

Trying to get me in trouble from the very-get-go here, are we?  There’s no such thing as a favourite campaign on the-road as they’re all memorable for one reason or another. From the members, owners and staff of the gym, the amazing locations or the welcoming community that we work in, all play a role in what’s essentially one big campaign on the road. I’ll admit my favourite on-road coffee though is from The Attic in Yeppoon! Thanks Claire!

Why do you love the Fitness Industry?

I feel like in this current day and age we tend to get swept up in the business of our day-to-day lives. We tend to forget the importance of putting our health and fitness at the forefront of what we do, if we don’t have our health, nothing else really matters. There are many uncontrollable in life but getting down to the gym and moving our bodies each week, is one of the few things that’s totally in our control that can lead to a longer and happier life. A few hours each week in your local gym can ensure that you’re able to enjoy the things in life that you love doing for longer periods of time. How do you not love being a part of that?

You’re only as old as you feel! 

What are you most excited about in your new role?

Great question and it’s hard to nip this one in just a few sentences as there’s so much to be excited about. I’m thrilled to be able play a small role in helping grow independent gyms across Australia and New Zealand and providing them with the tools to thrive again after what was one of the most difficult times in the industries history. I love the thought of the countless number of fitness journeys that will commence during the campaigns and the domino effect that it can have on motivating other family and friends in the community to do the same. Lastly, hearing from the amazing on-road staff about all the new members that joined each week certainly makes all the early morning flights and the late-night meetings all worthwhile.


That’s enough chit-chat! I better run. I’ve got clubs to visit!


Ben Morrow - CFM Business Development Manager


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